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LCCLT Tool Shed | 2022
Atlanta, Georgia
The Lake Claire Community Land Trust (LCCLT) holds monthly 4 hour community work sessions where 7 to 40 grounds committee members, garden plot renters, community members, and local scout groups gather to help maintain and improve the gardens and surrounding grounds. It’s one of the most powerful opportunities for everyone to come together, enjoy, have pride in, and give back to our beloved LCCLT. These workdays, in combination with the regularly scheduled mowing and watering facilitated by the grounds committee, require a lot of tools and equipment to service the nearly 2 acres of land.
However, the LCCLT is in need of adequate and appropriate tools and a secure storage space to support the needs of both garden plot renters, ground maintenance workers, and community workdays. At the highest turn out for community workdays, we can have up to 35 volunteers available to lend a hand, but we do not have the tools to support this amount of help, leading to frustrations for everyone involved and deterring future volunteer efforts.
Additionally, a main request amongst existing garden plot holders is for improved tool access with a lockable shed as they may not posses their own tools or find it too challenging to transport their tools to the land trust for working in the gardens.
The LCCLT’s current tool shed is an un-enclosed lean-to structure. Its inability to be closed or locked enables the accumulation of unwanted material as well as the loss of many valuable tools. To meet the needs of community members and volunteers, we need a lockable shed, accessible to garden plot renters and committee members, to house tools and provide a safe space to grow our tool inventory.